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People say that the bible must be from God because the hidden bible codes are so accurate and predicted events, people, and the direction of humanity almost three thousand years ago. How could any human predict so many events, so many personalities, and be so accurate? An Isreali math expert Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew's University and two other experts, Doron Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg, have done an experiment, testing to see if there really are codes hidden in the Torah (old testament's first five books only) by using a computer program to sort out possible hidden codes. Thirty-two famous rabbis' names were given to them. These thirty-two rabbis were born long after the bible was written so that we know whoever wrote the Torah could not have possibly known the rabbis and secretly had coded their names in the bible. They ran the computer program searching for codes and found most of the rabbis' birth dates and death dates located very close to each rabbis' name which are also coded into the Torah. Hitler's name was also found coded in the Torah. Close to Hitler's name are located words such as "Nazi", "Germany", "Auswitz", "evil man", etc. Not just famous people's names are coded in the first five books of Torah; experts say that any regular person's name is suppose to be found in them!! Which means that your neighbor's daughter's name is in there. Your brother's and your name are in there. Your mother-in-law's name is in it, and her birth and death date and her social security number are also coded along with her name! Every person you have slept with are coded in the Torah too! Incredible! Do you know how many billions of people have lived and died ever since three thousand years ago?

So how did ancient people construct the bible?

First, the Bible is a big astrology chart. Ancient scientists noticed that every event, every person born, every person's name, birth place, occupation, luck, have to do with the motions of planets and stars. When the earth, moon, and sun form into a straight line, something will happen. When Neptune, Mars, and Mercury form into a 60 degree triangle, war will occur, etc. So ancient scientists invented Hebrew. Hebrew characters represent both meanings and numbers. Lets make an example in English:

a . . . . b . . . . c . . . . d . . . . e

b . . . . c . . . . d . . . . e . . . . f

c . . . . d . . . . e . . . . f . . . . g

d . . . . e . . . . f . . . . g . . . . h

This is the first set of characters layed onto the grand astrology chart, (the bible). This is the first step to build a bible.

The character 'd' represents every 500 years. Every 500 years, Neptune crosses Earth and Venus, which will cause a great war. Many people will die. Then therefore, we lay words "die" on every character 'd'.

a . . . . b . . . . c . . . . d . . . . e
_ . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . i . . . . _
b . . . . c . . . . d . . . . e . . . . f
_ . . . . _ . . . . i . . . . _ . . . . _
c . . . . d . . . . e . . . . f . . . . g
_ . . . . i . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . _
d . . . . e . . . . f . . . . g . . . . h

Okay, now we have to add the Pluto's path into the bible we have just constructed.

a . . . . b . . . . c . . . . d . . . . e
_ . . . . q . . . . t . . . . i . . . . _
b . . . . c . . . . d . . . . e . . . . f
_ . . . . m . . . . i . . . . t . . . . _
c . . . . d . . . . e . . . . f . . . . g
_ . . . . i . . . . _ . . . . o . . . . _
d . . . . e . . . . f . . . . g . . . . h

The path of pluto, just for example, governs people's names. Then, in the first 500 years, someone named "mit" or "meah" or "fog" will die due to the war which was brought by Venus. So this chart we have just constructed, if free of error, should be universal for any event and any person that is to come.

I know this is the way ancient people constructed the Torah because according to Rabbi Daniel Mechanic, a scholar and expert in the Torah, the Kabbalists believed that there were coding schemes in the Torah: One coding scheme is the equidistant letter sequences (ELSs). For example, choose every 50th letter from the first Hebrew T in Genesis (first book of the Torah) and you'll find the word "Torah." Do the same in Exodus (second book of Torah), and you'll find it again. So you see, skip every 50 or 60 letters in the Torah and you might find a certain repeated letter or a repeated phrase. The Torah is just a giant astrology chart. People call it "the word of God" for it is a very accurate astrology chart, perfectly plotting out the entire mechanism of the universe we live in. The mechanism of the universe affects our identities and our faiths. Everything, our history, our destiny, is already set into stones. There is a law governing our past and our future. This is how the bible is constructed. This is the true word of God.

And then finally, just fill in the gap to make this chart look like a story book....


In the original bible, there is no space between words. So the above paragraph should look like the original bible style.

If we add some space between words, it would be easier for you to read.

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Anyway, this is how the bible is constructed. It is, after all, a big astrology chart which can be used to map our future. Almost tricked you, didn't it? You think that it's either that someone used a time machine and went back to the past and wrote the Bible or that it's some aliens with UFOs, huhh? Some people said the Bible was not written by humans and that the pyramids were also built by, or with the help of, aliens.  That's plain bullshit! It's as though you saw a magician pulling out a rabbit from his shirt pocket. You can't figure out how he did it and therefore conclude an alien has helped him on that one. I tell you, ancient people had their own tricks, not known to men of today. Ancient people were not apes. A human existing 4000 years ago carried basically the same size brain we have. There was therefore ancient science. Ancient people depended on astrology to predict a possible flood, drought, etc. Of course we don't depend on astrology much today since we have high tech equipment replacing ancient sciences. But don't look down at ancient people. They were not stupid, and you must respect their work.


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